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York Region

Law Association

  • 17 Jun 2020 2:46 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)


    *This Notice supersedes previously announced notices. Effective Date: June 17, 2020

    Also please note Newmarket has UFC.

  • 17 Jun 2020 9:04 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Please be advised that the Ministry of the Attorney General is hosting a Courthouse Recovery information session with Dr. Michelle Murti, from Public Health Ontario, and Ron Kelusky, Ontario’s Chief Prevention Officer, on Friday June 19, 2020 at 10 a.m. 

    You and members of your associations are welcome to join this session using the following link:  Friday, June 19th from 10:00 – 11:00 a.m.

    FOLA understands and appreciates that you have an interest in the health and safety measures being implemented at courthouses.  In fact, many of you have reached out to us to see if you or a representative of your local law association can attend some of your local planned inspections.  Unfortunately, FOLA has been told that, due to capacity issues, they are unable to include additional representatives at this time.  

    That being said, once completed, local assessments will be made widely available and FOLA will be providing you with a final copy of their report.

    If you have any questions, please contact: Samantha Poisson at

  • 15 Jun 2020 10:27 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Update On Court Reopening 

    As I indicated previously, no trials or preliminary hearings will be conducted until July 6, 2020 at the earliest.  We are anticipating an updated pronouncement shortly to clarify the anticipated courthouse status with respect to addressing trials and preliminary hearings post July 6, 2020.

    Tomorrow I, along with other stakeholder representatives, will be attending the Newmarket Courthouse for an in person update and view of physical changes and adjustments with respect to courthouse operations going forward.  As I advised last week, similar steps were taken at the Brampton Courthouse last week. 

    Crown Assignments Week of June 15, 2020

    Monday June 15

    202P – Brad

    200 Court (judge) – Tony

    201 Court (judge) – Erin

    103 Bails - Thompson

    104 Bails – Ivana

    Bail Vettors –  Sham


    Remote Duty Crown – Rob Scott


    Tuesday June 16

    202P – Rob de Chellis

    200 Court (judge) – Melissa

    201 Court (judge) – Philip

    103 Bails - Neil

    104 Bails – Tony

    Bail Vettors –  Sham


    Remote Duty Crown – Lesley


    Wednesday June 17

    202P - Brad

    200 Court (judge) – Greg

    201 Court (judge) – Michelle

    103 Bails – Jeff

    104 Bails – Brian

    Bail Vettors –  Kevin


    Remote Duty Crown – Rob Scott


    Thursday June 18 

    202P – Rob de Chellis

    200 Court (judge) – Michael Demczur

    201 Court (judge) – Samantha

    103 Bails - Tony

    104 Bails – Jacob

    Bail Vettors – Sham


    Remote Duty Crown –


    Friday June 19

    202P - Samantha

    200 Court (judge) – Jacob

    201 Court (judge) – Philip

    103 Bails – Tony

    104 Bails – Melissa

    Bail Vettors –  Kevin


    Remote Duty Crown – Rob Scott


    Courtroom Call In Information:

    Tel. 416-212-8012 866-633-0848

    100 Intake/Other matters  #4942812

    103 Bail #4674204

    104 Bail #6532049  

    200 Remand/Plea #5467574  

    201 Remand/Plea #9851321

    Sincerely, Norman Panzica, York Director,  Criminal Lawyers Association 

  • 15 Jun 2020 10:24 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    In an effort to keep real estate lawyers updated with the ever-changing situation, we have further information to be shared with the real estate lawyers in your association. 

    RBC Accepting Mortgage Discharges by Wire

    Hurray! We understand that RBC has rolled out a new procedure for personal mortgage payout request effective June 15, 2020. We hope this means that our messaging to the banks has been working and that more banks will follow.  Here are the RBC details: 

    Effective June 15 - to support COVID-19 physical distancing protocols, our Personal Mortgage and Homeline Plan Payout team is introducing a digital alternative to a cheque or draft.

    Lawyers can now contact the Payout Statement Phone Team (1-800-974-1163) to send a wire payment instead of mailing/dropping-off a cheque or draft

    Lawyer Process:  

    The Payout Statement Phone team will provide lawyers with a password protected e-mail using Secure Webmail with:

    • Incoming wire instructions for Transit 08943 (excluding Quebec) 
    • Payout and discharge instructions

    The lawyer will need to reply via secured e-mail with the following documents: 

    • Wire Confirmation 
    • Payout Statement 
    • Payout and discharge instructions (same letter that would normally accompany your cheque) 
    • Form C (British Columbia only)

    Virtual Commissioning 

     We had a very positive meeting with the Ministry of Attorney General and Ministry of Consumer and Government Services staff on June 10, 2020 regarding virtual commissioning and virtual notarization.  A copy of our written submissions are available on the FOLA website here

    If and when we receive further information of interest to the real estate bar, we will pass it along.  

    Stay up to date with FOLA’s real estate information at

    Merredith MacLennan and Eldon Horner

    FOLA Real Estate Co-Chairs

  • 8 Jun 2020 8:54 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    From the Federation of Ontario Law Associations:

    Below is an email from FOLA’s Board Chair, William Woodward.  Please share this with your members.

    Late Friday evening, FOLA received an very time sensitive request from Attorney General Doug Downey requesting our input and perspective on a potential amendment to the Courts of Justice Act regarding the availability of civil juries. (See letter attached.)

    You may recall that the AG recently made changes to remove the availability of jury trials in simplified procedure cases started under Rule 76 of the Rules of Civil Procedure. However, Ontario is one of the last Canadian jurisdictions to allow civil jury trials for most other civil matters, as of right.

    Due mostly to the coronavirus pandemic, the demands on the system will continue to evolve quickly as we begin to see the province reopening in stages. To address these changes, the AG and the government will continue to act on the guidance of public health experts, and have expressed a commitment to continue to work together to develop new ways of conducting matters. 

    Currently, section 108 of the Courts of Justice Act permits a jury of six persons to assess damages and/or decide issues of fact in civil actions, except where prohibited by statute. Certain other statutes provide a judge with authority to direct that an action be brought, or an issue be tried, with a jury in a trial under the act, or set out the responsibilities of the jury where a jury trial is held under the act. (See attached Appendix A to this letter for further details.)

    Specifically, the AG  is considering an amendment to the Courts of Justice Act to eliminate some or all civil jury trials and would like your thoughts on the following related questions:

    1.             Should civil juries be eliminated altogether? or

    2.             If civil jury trials were to be eliminated, are there certain action types that should be exempt? Please specify any action types that in your view should continue to have jury trials available, and the reasons for your view. 

    The AG has requested our submission by Monday, June 15th.  As such, if you wish to contribute your comments for our consideration, please send us your comments NO LATER THAN THURSDAY AT 5:00pm.  Please direct your comments to Katie Robinette at

    If your Association would like to submit your own comments, please prepare a written submission and direct it to Ms. Amanda Iarusso, Director of Policy and Legal Affairs, by email at no later than Monday, June 15, 2020.    

  • 8 Jun 2020 8:50 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Update On Court Reopening 


    As no trials or preliminary hearings will be conducted until July 6, 2020 at the earliest,  there is still no clear position on when and how courts will "re-open".  Discussions, plans, preparations and tests are underway with numerous options and possibilities being considered to get back to regular court operations.  These ideas include remotely conducting aspects of trials where parties consent, installation of plexiglass where appropriate, addressing washroom and elevator usage and interior air quality, use of trailers or larger offsite facilities.  There are numerous and significant issues under consideration.  A test run/walk through of an open courthouse format is scheduled to be conducted in Brampton this week.


    The Criminal Lawyers Association was fortunate to have the benefit of presentations last week from the Attorney General Doug Downey, and SCJ Chief Justice Morawetz and OCJ Chief Justice Maisonneuve in a virtual town hall setting.  We all anxiously await updates and the resumption of full court operations,  including the conduct of trials and will update the membership accordingly. 

    Crown Assignments Week of June 8, 2020

    Monday June 8

    202P – Brad

    200 Court (judge) – Thompson

    201 Court (judge) – Samantha

    103 Bails - Tony

    104 Bails – Rob Scott

    Bail Vettors – Sham


    Remote Duty Crown – Amy


    Tuesday June 9

    202P – Rob de Chellis

    200 Court (judge) – Melissa

    201 Court (judge) – Jacob

    103 Bails - Neil

    104 Bails – Tony

    Bail Vettors – Gemma -

     Jeff -

    Remote Duty Crown – Lesley


    Wednesday June 10

    202P - Ivana

    200 Court (judge) – Greg

    201 Court (judge) – Kevin

    103 Bails – Michelle

    104 Bails – Brian

    Bail Vettors – Gemma -

     Jeff -

    Remote Duty Crown – Amy


     Thursday June 11

    202P – Rob de Chellis

    200 Court (judge) – Michael Demczur

    201 Court (judge) – Erin

    103 Bails - Tony

    104 Bails – Jacob

    Bail Vettors – Sham


    Remote Duty Crown – Lesley


     Friday June 12

    202P - Samantha

    200 Court (judge) – Philip

    201 Court (judge) – Thompson

    103 Bails – Tony

    104 Bails – Melissa

    Bail Vettors – Gemma -


    Remote Duty Crown – Amy


    Courtroom Call In Information:

    Tel. 416-212-8012 866-633-0848

    100 Intake/Other matters  #4942812

    103 Bail #4674204

    104 Bail #6532049  

    200 Remand/Plea #5467574  

    201 Remand/Plea #9851321

    Sincerely, Norman PanzicaYork Director,  Criminal Lawyers Association

  • 4 Jun 2020 1:01 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Click here for the latest updates.

  • 4 Jun 2020 12:01 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    The Updated Notice Regarding the Suspension of Small Claims Court Operations (June 2, 2020) is available on this website under Court Info/Forms > Notices/Forms Civil.

York Region Law Association  50 Eagle St W, 3rd Floor Newmarket ON  L3Y 6B1  905-895-2018 / 1-866-221-8864

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