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York Region

Law Association

  • 16 Sep 2020 3:06 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Virtual Case Management Update

    This morning I took part in a conference call with the Newmarket Courthouse Committee, primarily to address anticipated issues arising from the move towards the Province wide Virtual Case Management protocol.  Barrie court has already implemented the protocol. The new Virtual Case Management protocol is set to commence this Monday September 21, 2020.

    Case management court operations will be an evolving process to be adjusted and refined after the initial few weeks.  For the time being,  the court will only deal with remands and perhaps simple withdrawals.  Matters involving section 810 peace bonds and HTA pleas, which a Justice of the Peace can hear, will need to be adjourned to a "plea" court (i.e. 202 court) on another date, atleast for the time being.

    Virtual Sign In Sheet - Calling the list

    With respect to the use of a virtual sign in sheet to address an orderly and efficient mode of calling the list,  an online sign up sheet is being used in other jurisdictions.  As for Newmarket,  and relying on the experience of other Courthouses, we are developing a Newmarket online sign up "sheet" with the assistance of David Moull and Sean Doyle, and hope to have it available shortly. 

    When the link is available I will send it out and ask Betty to post it on our website. 

    Zoom Calling v. Phone In (Audio)

    Zoom calling is the preferred method for counsel to call into the virtual courtroom.  The zoom call lets all know which counsel are waiting on the line.  However an audio capability,  currently in use, will still be available for the time being.

    Virtual Case Management Court Notices 

    Door notices and hand outs for accused will be made available.  With respect to bail matters, accused persons on release, will get zoom notice information, along with their Bail documents.  For Police releases, Police will.provide the same notices with the accused's releases documents, and will include zoom info.

    Virtual Courtroom Hours

    Courtroom schedules will be posted.  It is anticipated for the time being, that the case management courts will start a 9am.  The schedule will permit addressing counsel matters from 9am to 10am.  From 10am to 10:30 am, unrepresented accused will be addressed.  After 1030, counsel can be addressed as they call in.

    Morning, afternoon and lunch breaks will be strictly followed to ensure appropriate time for staff.  Schedules for all courts will also be posted on doors.  

    Obtaining Crown Disclosure 

    The Office of the Crown Attorney will continue to email disclosure to counsel or accused directly, provided they have a secure email address. For audio and video disclosure,  these can be picked up at the crown's office by appointment.   The Newmarket crown attorney office is in the process of implementing the "" platform used in other jurisdictions which will replace in person pick up of this disclosure. 

    New Arrests And Presumptive Remands

    New arrests and presumptive remands are currently being addressed in 101 for this week only.  It is anticipated to have one courtroom to address only presumptive remands and new arrests given the time experienced in some jurisdictions dealing with the high numbers of new arrests and the time required to address each new arrest.  More to follow on this shortly. 

    Domestic and Youth lists Tuesday wed Thursday

    Both Domestic and Youth courts will be addressed before  a Judge, and not before a Justice of the Peace, given the historical nature of the operations of those courtrooms.


    Norman Panzica 

    York Director, Criminal Lawyers Association
  • 16 Sep 2020 12:03 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    The Federation of Ontario Law Association's weekly update is available here.

  • 14 Sep 2020 8:53 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    There are no updates to provide as of today.  One issue that is currently under consideration is the development of a sign in sheet for efficiently calling matters in case management courts.  This, along with other developments, should be coming shortly. 

    Courtroom Call In Information

    416-212-8012  866-633-0848

    100 Intake/Other matters  #4942812

    103 Bail #4674204

    104 Bail #6532049  

    200 Remand/Plea #5467574  

    201 Remand/Plea #9851321   

    Trial Readiness Court at #5700492       

    Contact Information

    Duty Counsel - 

    Crown Assignments Week of September 15, 2020

    Monday September 14

    202P – Greg

    200 Court (judge) – Erin

    201 Court (judge) – Philip

    103 Bails -  Ivana

    104 Bails – Samantha

    Bail Vettors –



    Remote Duty Crown – Lucas


    Trial courts – Tony, Nicole, Rob DC, Jacob, Phyllis

    **Amy – Monday triage court

    **Sham – assist Amy with Monday triage and SCJ Crown rest of week

    **Peter and Thompson – murder all week except Thursday

    Tuesday September 15

    202P – Michael V.

    200 Court (judge) – Jina

    201 Court (judge) – Michael D.

    103 Bails -  Neil

    104 Bails – Tony

    Bail Vettors – 



    Remote Duty Crown – Rosanne

    Trial courts – Jeanaha, Nicole, Rob DC, Jacob

    Wednesday September 16

    202P – Nicole

    200 Court (judge) – Erin

    201 Court (judge) – Samantha

    103 Bails – Neil

    104 Bails – Philip

    Bail Vettors – 



    Remote Duty Crown – Lucas


    Trial courts – Tony, Ivana (cover 102)

    Thursday September 17

    202P – Nicole

    200 Court (judge) – Jina

    201 Court (judge) – Michael D.

    103 Bails – Samantha

    104 Bails – Tony

    Bail Vettors – 



    Remote Duty Crown – Rosanne

    Trial courts – Jacob, Phyllis (cover 102), Martin

    Friday September 18

    202P - Greg

    200 Court (judge) – Erin

    201 Court (judge) – Michael D.

    103 Bails – Jeanaha

    104 Bails – Tony

    Bail Vettors – 



    Remote Duty Crown – Lucas


    Trial courts – Nicole (cover 102)


    Norman Panzica 

    York Director, Criminal Lawyers Association

  • 12 Sep 2020 3:55 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    The notice can be found on the OCJ's website here.

    *This Notice supersedes previously announced notices.

    Effective Date: 19 May 2020

    Revised: 11 September 2020

    Order Pusuant to s. 85 of the Provincial Offences Act (September 10, 2020) extending certain timelines

  • 11 Sep 2020 10:31 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Limitation periods in Ontario have been suspended since March 16, 2020 pursuant to Ontario Regulation 73/20 made under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, RSO 1990, c E.9.

    Limitation periods will resume running on Monday, September 14, 2020 in accordance with Ontario Regulations 457/20 and 458/20 made under the Reopening Ontario (A Flexible Response to COVID-19) Act, 2020, SO 2020, c 17.

  • 11 Sep 2020 9:53 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    As you may know, next week, jury selection and trials are scheduled in Brampton, Toronto and Hamilton. In Brampton, the Pearson Convention Centre, and in Toronto, the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, are being prepared to support jury selection. In Hamilton, selection will occur on-site at the Hamilton courthouse. Trials at all three locations will be held on-site at each courthouse.

     To best ensure the health and safety of all participants (individuals summoned to a jury panel, jurors, the judiciary, parties to the proceeding, and court staff and management, the Recovery Secretariat has developed the attached jury recovery guidance materials. Please note that French translated versions will be available next week and, should you require them, please get in touch at

     In the interim, find attached:

     COVID-19 Recommended Precautionary Measures: Jury Management Manual

     These materials have been reviewed and endorsed by the government’s leading provincial health authorities in the Chief Medical Officer of Health’s office and the Ontario Ministry of Health and their guidance will continue to inform the precautionary measures that are (and that will be) implemented in both on and off-site jury locations.

     In line with the health & safety precautionary measures the Recovery Secretariat has in place within our courthouses, our jury locations will also be outfitted with recommended precautionary measures including, but not limited to: hand sanitizer, plexiglass, physical distancing markers, and the provision of PPE, where required.

     In addition, all entrants to jury events will be required to wear mandatory face coverings and will be required to complete an entrance screening check.

    Katie W. Robinette

    Executive Director

    Need answers to COVID-19 issues regarding the practice of law?  CLICK HERE.

  • 9 Sep 2020 12:29 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    FOLA's Weekly Update is available here.

York Region Law Association  50 Eagle St W, 3rd Floor Newmarket ON  L3Y 6B1  905-895-2018 / 1-866-221-8864

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