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York Region

Law Association

  • 20 Jun 2021 6:52 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    The following notice was updated June 17, 2021.

    Effective June 17, 2021:

    • This notice has been amended to provide an update on CaseLines implementation and the requirements to (i) upload documents into a hearing specific sub-bundle (Part C paragraph 5), (ii) upload pleadings for civil and family matters (Part C paragraph 13), and (iii) advise the Court of any documents that have been improperly uploaded into CaseLines (Part C paragraph 14). New provisions have also been added to facilitate the distribution of endorsements and orders via CaseLines (Part D).

    Supplementary Notice to the Profession and Litigants in Civil and Family Law Matters Regarding the CaseLines Pilot, E-Filing, and Fee Payment 

  • 18 Jun 2021 11:20 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Updated forms for multi-party DRAs are now available on the LSO’s website here or on our Real Estate Practice page here.

  • 15 Jun 2021 4:05 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    FOLA’s latest real estate newsletter contains information on LRO updates, Sid Troister’s commentary on the amendments to s. 50 of the Planning Act, and promoting the use of Standard Closing Documents. Read it here or on our Practice Areas > Real Estate page here.

    Also, a document entitled “Teraview® Paper Registration Quick User Guide” has been added to our Practice Areas > Real Estate page here.

  • 14 Jun 2021 10:10 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Congratulations to Justice Jessica Sickinger, who has been assigned to the Ontario Court of Justice in Newmarket. The official notice can be found here.

  • 7 Jun 2021 9:24 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    FOLA’s latest real estate update is now available. For past updates see FOLA’s Real Estate page or on this website under Practice Areas > Real Estate.

    Consultations are currently being held on REBBA (Code of Ethics); Land Use Compatibility Guide; and the Conservation Act, and comments are due by July 2, July 3 and June 27, respectively.

  • 7 Jun 2021 9:08 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    This week’s crown and courtroom assignments have been posted on the Criminal-OCJ page here.

  • 1 Jun 2021 9:30 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    Central East Region update to civil notice. Parties must (1) file pre-trial memos through an online portal and (2) send a copy to the pre-trial email address. See para. 43 of the Region’s civil notice

    Continued suspension of Small Claims Court operations due to COVID-19 Updated May 31,2021.

  • 31 May 2021 9:56 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    This week’s courtroom & Crown assignments are posted on the Criminal-OCJ page here.

  • 28 May 2021 1:44 PM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

    The E-Hearings Task Force (Members: Advocates’ Society, OBA, FOLA, OTLA) published the second edition of Best Practices for Remote Hearings today.

    View it on our Best Practices page under Practice Areas here or on The Advocates’ Society website here.

York Region Law Association  50 Eagle St W, 3rd Floor Newmarket ON  L3Y 6B1  905-895-2018 / 1-866-221-8864

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