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Law Association

Newmarket OCJ Update July 13, 2020

13 Jul 2020 10:09 AM | York Region Law Association (Administrator)

As I advised in my Update last Monday July 6, the Newmarket Courthouse commenced a Phase 1 limited re-opening last Monday July 6, 2020.

For the first week, Operations reportedly ran relatively smoothly with no major complaints made known from the various participants and stakeholders.  In addition, as I advised last week,  all  assigned "trial" assistant crown attorneys attended the Courthouse in person last week to deal with their matters.  There is no update at this time on the Crown Attorneys Association injunction proceeding, concerning mandating their personal attendance at courthouses Province wide.

Roundtable With  Attorney General 

Doug Downey

Members are reminded of tomorrow's virtual roundtable between from 1pm – 2 pm.  Spaces are limited and members are asked to R.S.V.P. their attendance to the virtual roundtable by emailing Nikita Glenday, Policy Advisor and Manager of Stakeholder Relations, at She will provide you with details of the meeting once you R.S.V.P.

This in an excellent opportunity to gain information and address any questions or concerns. Members are encouraged to register.

 Building Entrance And Screening 

Security is placed at the main doors to screen persons entering the Courthouse.  All persons entering are required to provide  the requisite completed screening form questionnaire, and wear masks.

The two Commionaires remain at the front  entrance from 8am to 10am, after which time, one of the two roves the building interior to assist in compliance with health and safety issues, including wearing masks in all public areas, and adhering to social distancing. 

Courthouse staff are able to access the building between 7am and 10am through a separate door.  After 10am they must use the same entrance as the public, as there is reportedly insufficient staff to maintain screening and control access at both entrances throughout the day.

Masks Must Be Worn

The wearing of masks is required by all persons entering the building and must be worn in all publice areas of the building.  Exceptions generally apply while in courtrooms to counsel while making submissions, and subject to the discretion of the particular jurist.  Some of the traditional rules of decorum are being relaxed, including addressing jurist while seated, as the podiums are not equipped with plexiglass, and bringing water into the courtroom 

No Separate Entrance For Counsel

While Courthouse staff are able to enter the building through a separate emtrance between 7am and 10am, counsel are required to enter by the same entrance used by the general public.  Jurists will be made aware that same may result in counsel being "late" for appearances and to anticipate same.  Once counsel have been screened, they will receive a building pass for the day. However counsel will be screened daily and therefore are required to obtain a new pass each day they attend the Courthouse. 

While Newmarket does not offer counsel a separate entrance, atleast one other Courthouse does.  In particular,  the Courthouse at 1000 Finch has set up a separate entrance for counsel accessible from 8:30am to 9:45am through a door in the mall entrance leading to the courthouse. TPS court officers and a security guard performing active screening are in place at the door to facilitate counsel’s entrance. For those entering that require a face covering, one is provided.

I have inquired whether a separate counsel entrance can be made available at the Newmarket Courthouse and am awaiting a response.

Courtroom Plexiglass 

Plexiglass,  signage, and sanitizing stations and supplies have been installed throughout the building.  Some concerns had been raised previously with respect to the height and location of plexiglass within one or more of the courtrooms installed for health and safety.  As a result some replacements/adjustments have been made, in particular in courtroom 102.

Courtroom Cleaning  - Trial Matters

Where courtrooms are operating with in-person proceedings, there is an assigned porter/cleaner to clean and sanitize touchpoints within the courtroom.  A porter is called into the courtroom by the clerk after a witness completes their testimony,  to clean and disinfect affected areas.  

Counsel tables are also disinfected during breaks and are equipped with hand sanitizers, disinfectant spray and paper towels.  Courtroom plexiglass is cleaned by porters during  breaks and on completion of the testimony of aa witness.

Trail Courts In Phase 1

As i advised in previous updates,  Newmarket is currently operating in Phase 1 reopening with three trial courtrooms.  In those courtrooms, court reporters operate remotely from outside the trial courtroom, and away from the courtroom participants.  Clerks are present in the courtroom to manage paperwork.

In the administrative and bail courts,  Operations continue to be conducted entirely remotely, although Justices have the option to attend in person at their discretion.   There is no further update as to the commencement of Phase 2 reopening. 

Crown Assignments Week of July 13, 2020

Monday July 13

202P – Brad

200 Court (judge) – Rob Scott

201 Court (judge) – Samantha

103 Bails – Brian

104 Bails – Jeff

Bail Vettors – 

Elissa -

 Sham -

Remote Duty Crown – Lesley

Triage Court - Amy

Trials – Leeanne, Michelle, Jacob, Greg, Philip, Tony

Tuesday July 14

202P – Rob de Chellis

200 Court (judge) – Gemma

201 Court (judge) – Trial Crown (whose matter goes down, etc on Monday)

103 Bails - Neil

104 Bails – Trial Crown

Bail Vettors – 

Sham -

Kevin -

Remote Duty Crown – Rosanne

Trials – Leeanne, Michelle, Jacob, Greg, Philip, Tony, Phyllis (if 276 app proceeding)

Wednesday July 15

202P – Erin -

200 Court (judge) – Thompson

201 Court (judge) – Ivana

103 Bails - Tony

104 Bails – Samantha

Bail Vettors – 

Elissa -

Kevin -

Remote Duty Crown – Jina

Trials – Leeanne, Caitlin

Thursday July 16

202P – Rob De Chellis

200 Court (judge) – Jina

201 Court (judge) – Tony

103 Bails - Neil

104 Bails – Jacob

Bail Vettors – 

Elissa -

Sham -

Remote Duty Crown – Rosanne

Trials – Leeanne, Michelle

Friday July 17

202P - Brad

200 Court (judge) – Greg

201 Court (judge) – Philip

103 Bails – Tony

104 Bails – Samantha

Bail Vettors – 

Elissa -

Kevin -

Remote Duty Crown – Erin

Trials – Leeanne

Courtroom Call In Information:

Tel. 416-212-8012 866-633-0848

100 Intake/Other matters  #4942812

103 Bail #4674204

104 Bail #6532049  

200 Remand/Plea #5467574  

201 Remand/Plea #9851321

Sincerely, Norman Panzica, York Director, Criminal Lawyers Association

York Region Law Association  50 Eagle St W, 3rd Floor Newmarket ON  L3Y 6B1  905-895-2018 / 1-866-221-8864

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